Bracker's Idry Wood Vacuum Kiln-Cost/Pricing

Stardard pricing*: $1 a board foot a week, Minimum 300 board feet. So 6 one-inch layers, or 2 three inch slab layers would be $300 a week. Stickering and end sealing extra if requested. On site Customer stickering free! *Best turn around time when starting wood moisture is 25% or less. Then takes about a minimum of a week an inch of drying time. Some species like walnut, white oak, red oak, and cherry may take some extra initial drying care. (* We can do 48(50) inches by 12.5 feet max. boards, planks, and slabs.)
*Higher pricing for smaller amounts due to higher costs in time/setup in relation to larger amounts. Adding placement time, shimming, end sealing, trimming(with sawmill, saw, or planer) and customer time to smaller loads. *Green wood or moisture over 25% may take an extra week or more to condition wood to 25% or below to ensure quality wood products.

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Unloading Bracker's KilnPicture of man working Splitting kiln customer's load

A Southeast Wisconsin Company Located in Caledonia, Wisconsin.